Does Text Therapy Work? Is It a Good Choice for You?


Communication technology has advanced considerably in recent years. People work online, speak regularly with friends from around the world, and carry out complex activities via the internet all the time. So, it isn’t surprising that text therapy has become so popular, especially amount the younger generations. Ask any young person and they will tell you they prefer texting to calling. People today are very proficient in written communication online. In fact, many are more candid and eloquent in text than in speech.

However, there is still a lingering question to consider. Is text therapy effective? Few people want to invest their time, effort, and energy into a medium that isn’t effective. Fortunately, results and research suggest that text therapy isn’t just effective, but it has some inherent advantages over traditional face-to-face sessions.

What are the Advantages of Text Therapy?

Every therapy approach has some advantages and disadvantages. A patient must consider all factors involved before deciding which medium is their preferred option. Some of the biggest advantages of text therapy are mentioned below:

1. Accessibility

This is a major plus point for text therapy. Millions of people don’t have good access to mental health services. They are either forced to ignore the problem or rely on their friends and loved ones to act as a buffer. Unfortunately, the accessibility is limited and face-to-face therapy isn’t available everywhere.

Text therapy is a great replacement for this because no matter where you are and what your circumstances are, you can get access to good therapy. It is just a matter of finding the right platform and booking an appointment. You can text the therapist at leisure and have a conversation about your mental health.

That’s better than having no access to therapy at all. It is also more convenient for patients suffering from anxiety. This way, they don’t need to face the therapist directly.

2. Easier to Communicate

Sometimes, we are able to say more and be more honest through an indirect medium. There may be issues that you are reluctant to speak about but can write about with some ease. This is where text therapy comes in handy. Many people struggling with mental health issues are more comfortable texting than speaking.

The visual barrier also helps people feel less anxious. For example, patients don’t need to make eye contact, they don’t need to feel a stranger’s presence in their bubble, and they don’t see the therapist’s expressions or responses to their confessions. This barrier is both good and bad in many ways but it can help people with severe anxiety.

Also, it is a proven fact that writing is very therapeutic and can help people overcome mental or emotional blocks.

3. Availability

It is easier to find anxiety counselors online. Traditional face-to-face therapy can be very limiting. You need to settle for a therapist that is closest to your location. However, text therapy doesn’t adhere to any geographical boundaries. You can communicate with therapists from another part of your country.

There are several advantages to this but the biggest benefit is the benefit of choice. If you don’t get along with your current therapist, it is easier to change them. You can also find a specialist who focuses on the niche and has experience handling patients with your particular mental health concern.

These points illustrate just how effective text therapy can be. Of course, there are some disadvantages to consider as well. Some patients may mind this medium cold and impersonal. However, there are ways to combine text therapy with traditional counseling to get the best of both worlds.

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