eTherapyPro Blog

Environmental Causes of Anxiety

Environmental Causes of Anxiety

Your environment is everything around you, with which you may, or may not interact. That’s a very broad definition, because the environment is basically everything outside of you. It includes not just nature, and the biological, but the social as well. And all of it can causes stress and anxiety.

Anxiety Disorder

Coping Strategies for Living with an Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety can be a nightmare for some to deal with, especially people who have to deal with it every day of their lives. Chronic anxiety, living with it every day, can be torturous, but it is treatable. Reaching out for help would be the first step to getting this under control.


Learning About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

You have to wash your hands again. You have no choice. If you don’t, something awful will happen. Absolutely terrifying. Just wash them one more time then you are safe. Just one more time. Again. And another time. Again.

Genetic Anxiety | eTherapyPro

Genetic Causes of Anxiety

Anxiety and anxiety disorders cause a lot of suffering, and often for no clear reason. Anxiety comes from worry and stress over things the brain has identified as a potential threat, even if they are completely illogical.

Breathing Techniques for Managing Anxiety | eTherapyPro

Breathing Techniques for Managing Anxiety

What is the best way to deal with anxiety?  The most common ways to treat anxiety are the use of medication, education and talk therapy. Part of learning how to overcome anxiety is learning specific coping skills when the anxiety is being troublesome.

How Trauma Can Cause Anxiety

How Trauma Can Cause Anxiety

Trauma is generally defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Something terrible happens and the person involved has a strong reaction to it, likely centered around being anxious and protecting oneself. While uncomfortable, this is the body doing what it normally does to protect itself.

How Common are Anxiety Disorders? | eTherapyPro

How Common are Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders are a diverse group of  similar psychological disorders. Anxiety disorders have the common elements of unusually high levels of fear accompanied by anxiety and behavioral abnormalities.

Hoarding Disorder | eTherapyPro

Hoarding Disorder

There has been a lot of media attention lately on the condition known as hoarding. We all know someone that we may describe as a “pack rat” and they do not like to throw things away or feel like the items may be necessary later on, hoarding is something different.

The Fight/Flight/or Freeze Response - Stress Disorders

The Fight/Flight/or Freeze Response

There is a stranger in your house. You can hear the noise, but you are not sure who it is, or what they want. Without thinking anything, your body is already gearing up for some sort of action.

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