eTherapyPro Blog

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

Everyone gets anxious from time to time. Anxiety is sometimes thought of as the energy of life, as it motivates us to do, or not do, certain things. But there is a point where it becomes painful, where it interferes with daily living, and that is where it becomes Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Sleep Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety and Sleep Disorders

It’s another sleepless night, already 4am, and you have to get up in two hours. You have yet to sleep. Your mind will not shut off long enough to let sleep come. You keep thinking and thinking, worrying at times. This is insomnia and it’s one of the sleep issues that can arise from anxiety and anxiety-based disorders.

More Light = Better Sleep

According to a recent study, individuals who are exposed to sunlight or bright indoor light early in the morning experience less stress, feel less depressed and sleep better at night than those who are not.

There Is No Permanent “You,” Say Both Science and Buddhism

Both Buddhism and contemporary neuroscience agree: there is no permanent “you” or consistent, objective self. The Western idea that we remain the same moment to moment is an illusion. Rather, we are a set of cells, with brain and body in constant flux.

Does Homework Really Matter? | eTherapyPro

Does Homework Really Matter?

In the course of therapy, you may find that your therapist assigns you weekly or regular “homework” assignments. Many clients are at first resistant to homework, feeling like they already have full schedules and can’t fit in another task. Some of us may even have negative associations with the term “homework.”

Minute Mindfulness Meditation | eTherapyPro

Minute Mindfulness Meditation

Minute Mindfulness is a simple way to allow mindfulness practice to be more accessible to a Western audience – even those suffering from depression and anxiety.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

If you think you might be suffering from anxiety, you may be wondering how to find out for sure. This article explains how to test The Anxiety Hypothesis.

Natures Medicine | Natural Treatment for Depression

Nature’s Medicine

People who suffer from depression, obesity and a number of other complaints may benefit from more time spent in nature, according to a recent report.

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