Online Counseling for Health & Wellness


Most people think that counseling is only for people suffering from depression, anxiety, or maybe PTSD. The truth is that therapists can help with all kinds of problems, many of which overlap into the physical health and wellness areas. In fact, cognitive behavioral therapy can be useful for anyone looking to make a change, whether that be embarking on a weight loss plan, trying to stop a bad habit, or quitting smoking. In fact, statistics prove that behavioral changes like putting smoking are much more likely to “stick” when professional talk therapy is involved.

Counseling can also be useful for people dealing with a variety of health challenges, including injuries, cancer, heart disease, or even an illness or injury of a loved one. In all of these cases, professional support can help with fears or anxiety around a diagnosis, coping with medically-caused life changes, and even managing physical symptoms like pain. In fact, for people recovering from surgery or with limited mobility, online counseling is one way to improve treatment outcomes across the board, but especially when it comes to pain management. The opiate epidemic has made many doctors and patients alike wary of prescribing opiates for conditions like chronic pain; cognitive-behavioral therapy and other kinds of mindfulness work have been proven in studies to help improve pain and quality of life, while avoiding the pitfalls of narcotic pain medicine. Furthermore, for those dealing with medical challenges, E-therapy presents a unique advantage. Since a patient literally doesn’t even need to leave their bed to speak with a trained therapist, the benefits associated with a professional counselor are now accessible to virtually everyone regardless of physical mobility.

Online therapy is also applicable in other areas of “wellness.” Depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric conditions can have very real physical effects on the body, including a weakened immune system, insomnia, and blood pressure or heart rare issues. Getting help for these conditions translates into a healthier physical body, too. For people attempting to manage psychiatric symptoms in multiple ways, like with diet and exercise, E-therapy might also be more convenient to fit into a schedule that is already getting full due to going to the gym and/or cooking healthy food from scratch. In turn, having ease of access to quality professional support via E-therapy can also help make other wellness goals more likely to last in the long-term.


If you have been experiencing Depression please start a FREE trial of online counseling and get help today.

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