What Causes Anxiety Disorders?
There isn’t one specific cause of anxiety disorders. They are not an illness like the flu which is caused by a virus, or a broken
There isn’t one specific cause of anxiety disorders. They are not an illness like the flu which is caused by a virus, or a broken
Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder where the person suffers from frequent, sudden, panic attacks. These may last for several minutes, some may be longer, and can happen anywhere.
Anxiety can be a nightmare for some to deal with, especially people who have to deal with it every day of their lives. Chronic anxiety, living with it every day, can be torturous, but it is treatable. Reaching out for help would be the first step to getting this under control.
Everyone gets anxious from time to time. Anxiety is sometimes thought of as the energy of life, as it motivates us to do, or not do, certain things. But there is a point where it becomes painful, where it interferes with daily living, and that is where it becomes Generalized Anxiety Disorder.